zombie palace

Once upon a time, there was a shop where zombies gathered at night.




近所の“Ciel Bleu”さんというお店で



Cakes to celebrate

ケーキス トゥ セレブレート

the staff's birthdays and

ザ スタッフズ バースデイズ アンド

Western sweets to give to customers

ウェスティン スイート トゥ ギブ トゥ カスタマーズ

were made by a nearby shop

ワアー メイド バイ ア ニアバイ ショップ

called "Ciel Bleu."

コールド シェルブルー

【↓】Thank you for your cooperation-1-click

●celebrate(セレブレート) 誕生日や特別な出来事を祝う/祝賀する/記念する

●Western sweets(ウェスティン・スイート)洋菓子

staff'-san-no tanjoubi-o iwau Cake-ya, okyaku-sama-e o-okuri-suru yougashi-wa, kinjo-no “sheru Bleu”-san-to-iu o-mise-de tsukutte-moratte-ita soudesu

Cakes to celebrate the staff's birthdays and Western sweets to give to customers were made by a nearby shop called "Ciel Bleu."


● He is remorseful... ● he is remorseful... ● he is sorry. ● He says he would like to apologize to everyone at the time. ● He is helping with the English translation, ● hoping to relieve his stress even a little.