zombie palace

Once upon a time, there was a shop where zombies gathered at night.



ゾンビパレスの営業中に 氷が足りなくなった時は ACT3のローソンに 買いに行っていたそうです When Zombie Palace was open ウェン ゾンビパレス ワズ オープン and they ran out of ice, アンド ゼイ ラン アウト オブ アイス they would go to Lawson ゼイ ウッドゥ ゴウ トゥ ローソン in A…

● He is remorseful... ● he is remorseful... ● he is sorry. ● He says he would like to apologize to everyone at the time. ● He is helping with the English translation, ● hoping to relieve his stress even a little.