zombie palace

Once upon a time, there was a shop where zombies gathered at night.







It was rumored that

イット ワズ ルーマー ザット

Zombie Palace was closed down

ゾンビパレス ワズ クローズ ダウン

after being arrested

アフター ビーング アレステッド

for illegal drugs.

【↓】Thank you for your cooperation-1-click




●zombie palace-wa ihou-yakubutsu-de tekihatsu sa-rete heiten shita-nda-to uwasa sa-rete-ita soudesu

●It was rumored that Zombie Palace was closed down after being arrested for illegal drugs.





● He is remorseful... ● he is remorseful... ● he is sorry. ● He says he would like to apologize to everyone at the time. ● He is helping with the English translation, ● hoping to relieve his stress even a little.