zombie palace

Once upon a time, there was a shop where zombies gathered at night.



調理器具や台所用品は なんばグランド花月の近くにある 千日前道具屋筋商店街に 買いに行っていたそうです Apparently, アペアレントリー he went to buy cooking utensils ヒー ウェント トゥー バイ クッキング ユウテンシル and kitchen utensils at アンド キッチン ユウテンシル アット Sennichimae …

● He is remorseful... ● he is remorseful... ● he is sorry. ● He says he would like to apologize to everyone at the time. ● He is helping with the English translation, ● hoping to relieve his stress even a little.