zombie palace

Once upon a time, there was a shop where zombies gathered at night.








(He) said that

(ヒイ)セイド ザット

he used to eat at

ヒー ユーズド トゥー イイト アット

Genroku Sushi,

ゲンロク スシ

which had a conspicuous

ウィッチ ハッド ア コンスペキアス

purple sign on the

パープル サイン オン ザ

Higashi-dori shopping street,

ヒガシ ドウリ ショッピング ストリート

once a week.

ワンス ア ウィーク

【↓】Thank you for your cooperation-1-click



●once a week/ワンスアウィーク/週に一度/頻度・時間の長さを表す語/


(Kare-wa) shu-ni-ichido-wa higashi-douri-shou-tengai-de murasaki-no kanban-ga meda-tte-ita genroku-sushi-de shokuji-o shite-ita soudesu


●(He) said that he used to eat at Genroku Sushi, which had a conspicuous purple sign on the Higashi-dori shopping street, once a week.







● He is remorseful... ● he is remorseful... ● he is sorry. ● He says he would like to apologize to everyone at the time. ● He is helping with the English translation, ● hoping to relieve his stress even a little.